Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Doctor Who?

I've been busy the past few months updating and revising the A to Z of almost Everything for the 2013 edition so have resisted the temptation to blog. However, I would be failing in my duty to all those die-hard Dr Who fans if I didn't make a brief comment on the latest series, and in particular the second episode of that series. In short, it was, as many online commentators suggested, the worst episode ever, failing the tried and tested formula of good plot line, bad adversaries and gripping finale.

As someone who has watched every episode since November 1963 I rarely fail to find some value in plot lines and indeed the idea of the newbie assistant having carte blanche to travel anywhere in the universe has always been less successful than when the Doctor is summoned by SOS, but this lazy rambling episode had nothing going for it from the start.

Matt Smith is an OK Doctor, a little one dimensional with no light or shade to his portrayal but perfectly acceptable and following in the long line of eccentrics since Patrick Troughton took over from the great William Hartnell. Early indications are that Jenna-Louise Coleman is a very talented actress and her portrayal of Clara Oswald is very good although I would like her to give the impression of being just a tad afraid of meeting all manner of scary monsters!

No, the real problem I'm afraid is the writing. I know I've said it before (and contrary to what some respondents have suggested I have never met him) Steven Moffat is a master of planning intricate plots and, if it is not a contradiction in terms, in making the whole storyline believable. Luther creator Neil Cross wrote this second episode of the latest series, The Rings of Akhaten, and much as I hate to criticise any creative mind, he clearly is not a fan of the show in the same way as Steven obviously is.

Please sort things out BBC

RIP Maggie Thatcher - who could fail to admire such strength and character

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