Tuesday 22 September 2009

Prince of Wales Reith Lecture - my favourite programme of the year

I watched spellbound at the heartfelt pearls of wisdom that so eloquently rattled off the tongue of our future King during his Reith Lecture last May.

“Respect for the Earth, Can Sustainable Development be Made to Work in the Real World?” was his subject and what a controversial one it turned out to be.

For myself I was enthralled by his passion, commonsense and informed knowledge gleaned by talking with many of the world’s leading experts in the field of climate change – a unique position that only someone of Prince Charles’ ilk could indulge.

Of course we had the usual detractors such as the ubiquitous Richard Dawkins who tends to get wheeled out at the first sign of religious or spiritual utterings, but on the whole the world sat up and took notice of this quite brilliant heartfelt speech.

In today’s Telegraph I read that 500 leading companies have backed the Prince of Wales’ campaign for concerted action on climate change. The likes of Shell, BP, EDF and Virgin have all signed a communiqué calling on world leaders to commit to cutting emissions by at least 50 per cent by 2050.

It may be too little too late and Charles did not sugar the pill during his speech but at least we have hope if we act now.

I don’t pretend to know all the ins and outs of the extent of the problem but the stats the prince quoted seemed pretty damning to me and put the fear of God in me as to what the likely scenario will be if nothing is done NOW.

Yes many Christians feel these uncertain times are the type described in the Bible as the precursor of the ‘end’ and indeed many of us might actually pray for deliverance from the evil of this world, however I feel sure that we are meant to repent the sins against our planet in the same way as those against God and it is not good enough to sit back and do nothing in the vain hope that all will be well.

I cannot believe the changes in technology I have witnessed in my lifetime and to me it only shows to prove how organisms can develop exponentially in the same way as the advances in computer science.

I hope we listen to the man and do something. The clues are all there for us to see!!

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